Top Major Pitfalls of Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is an incredible insulating material. Don't think that just any house which is insulated with spray foam makes it a winner. Every product can have flaws and spray foam insulation is no different to it. The great news is that spray foam difficulties are often less common and simpler to overcome with careful planning and execution. Homes insulated with spray foam can be among the most energy-efficient and comfortable structures ever created. However, spray foam insulation is not without flaws; let us study the major pitfalls of spray foam insulation and the different ways to find them. Spray foam is inadequately thick Some of the air exchange spots were missed by spray foam installers Spray foam installers are inexperienced about the building envelope and either sprayed too little or too much Spray foam expands and deflects from the framing As per Fine Home Building, improper spray foam insulation applica...